Live Show: Resisting the Spread of Authoritarian Networks

An increasing number of analysts have accused authoritarian governments like China and Russia of advancing repression abroad, especially in Africa. In addition to financially propping up their preferred strongmen, state-linked companies have helped to strengthen systems of elite corruption. Tech companies have aided in both censorship and disinformation campaigns, particularly around elections, while also using surveillance technology to intimidate and muzzle pro-democracy campaigners and critical journalists. 

Importantly, this is not just the domain of authoritarian powers. Countries recognized as democracies like Israel, for example, have also been criticized for providing military hardware and surveillance technology to African dictators, like Yoweri Museveni in Uganda, where the United States has also been accused of bankrolling today’s repression.

On the other hand, there are proponents of Chinese and Russian involvement in Africa, with some experts arguing that they merely offer African governments an alternative to the United States, as well as a chance to stand against perceived neo-imperialism. And to be sure, some African governments have benefited from loans and investment packages that have supported economic development.

This show will delve into this complex debate and examine what can be done to stop the spread of authoritarian influence in Africa, while also asking how activists and concerned citizens alike can push back to defend freedom in the face of these obstacles.  


Live Show – Resisting Double Standards: Can the West 'Promote' Democracy in Africa?


Live Show: Resisting the Old Guard